Stop the Jamaica Deportations – Zita Holbourne

On the 3rd of December , the government  plan to deport up to 50 people to Jamaica.

Our campaigning, including a petition I started which has 18,0000 signatures and a letter by 92 black public figures  including myself which has been signed by super model Naomi Campbell and actress Thandie Newton amongst others. 

The UK government have agreed to take those who came to the UK under the age of 12 off but everyone else is still at risk. 

Here are some things that you can do. They will only take a few minutes but will help to keep the pressure up to stop these deportations.

  • Sign our petition to stop the deportations here
  • Tweet @UKHomeOffice and call on them to cancel the flight. Use the hashtag #Jamaica50
  • Follow @baracuk on Twitter. RT our tweets and share the news reports there – look out for a Twitter storm on Saturday 28 December
  • Write to your MP calling on them to write to the Home Secretary urgently – you can use gal-dem’s email template found here (please send any responses you receive to
  • If you or someone you know is impacted or at risk, urge them to get legal advice straight away – we can recommend lawyers if needed. 

Here is an article I wrote for gal-dem magazine setting out our concerns and a series of actions you can do as well as a link to a blog piece with links to the petition and letter.

Sign the petition here:

#jamaica50 #stoptheplane #enddeportations 

Zita Holbourne

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Our aim must be levelling up, not levelling down

On Saturday, PCS President, Fran Heathcote shared a platform with Jeremy Corbyn (MP), Diane Abbott (MP), Ellen Clifford (Disabled People Against Cuts) and John Rees (People’s Assembly) at the People’s Assembly Zero Covid Conference, in their closing session entitled ‘Health, Wealth and A New Deal’.
Here are the main points from her speech:

“The Tories have been launching ideological attacks on our members, and on the working class, for as long as they’ve been in power. Their strategy is one of cuts and privatisation, and attacks aimed at decimating the public sector, aimed at benefiting their friends in big business and seeking to make a profit out of the welfare state. So when Sunak announced this week that there would be no return to austerity, it sounded more than a bit hollow to our members, against a backdrop of a pay freeze, attacks on their pensions, redundancies, proposed job cuts and office closures. Call it what you like, but our members recognise Austerity when they see it.

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