Solidarity with Heathrow Border Force strikers

PCS Left Unity presidential candidate Martin Cavanagh spent time on the Heathrow picket line today (Tuesday, 30th April) supporting members in Border Force on strike about imposed rosters by the Home Office.

Martin says…

The way the Border Force are treating these workers is a disgrace.

Hundreds of our members have had revised rosters imposed upon them, with no meaningful consultation, and which severely restricts their work-life balance. These members have over a thousand years of experience between them and have given years of loyal service. Many of them have regularly missed important family occasions such as weddings, and even holidays, to work their previous shifts. Their thanks for outstanding service and commitment, is the employer forcing new rosters upon them which are seriously detrimental, with no flexibility.

The new rosters can impose up to a 50 hour week on our members, and particularly disadvantage those with caring responsibilities, health issues, or disabilities.

It is outrageous. A number of members have been forced to leave their jobs as a result, with over 1100 years of experience and service being lost. That is irreplaceable.

Members have understandably decided enough is enough and delivered a brilliant strike ballot result and are now taking an initial four days of strike action this week (29th April – 2nd May).

Our leadership will continue to support these workers in their fight for fairer rosters and an end to this treatment, which is effectively “fire and rehire.” Our members have earned the right to be treated with dignity and respect, not such callous disregard

Our members understand how important it is to deliver a mandate in strike ballots, and all members, in every employer group, should take inspiration from these members at Heathrow, and those in National Museums Liverpool, and the Pensions Regulator, to deliver another huge vote in the national campaign ballot for better pay, pensions justice, and job security.

NEC elections – Vote Democracy Alliance – Democracy, Listening, Delivering

2023 saw PCS members take 3 days of national action and hundreds of days of targeted action. As a result we gained a significantly improved pay award and a £1,500 cost of living payment.

Unity Square picket line Nottingham

These gains were the direct result of the Democracy Alliance led NEC strategy of national and targeted action paid for by a membership levy.

As a result of the improved pay offer members voted to pause the industrial action, but your NEC always expected that this would be a temporary situation. Despite some progress in talks with the Cabinet Office it is clear that we need to increase the pressure, and so we have launched an industrial action ballot which closes in May.

In the coming year we need to make sure we continue to deliver a clear and coherent strategy across the union and so we are asking you to vote for the Democracy Alliance candidates.

Other achievements in the last year include

· Guaranteed no cuts to the compensation scheme

· Reconstituting the Young Members Network

· Constituting devolved nation executives in Scotland and Wales

· Legal action against pushbacks and the Rwanda scheme

The last year has demonstrated PCS at its best and most vibrant; but the job is not finished. Our candidates are committed to continuing to –

· Increasing membership

· Recruiting and training a new layer of activists

· Fighting the scourge of low pay

· Continuing and extending the use of effective, targeted and sustained action

If you would like Democracy Alliance election material for use in your branch you can download it here

or email