“Coalition of Chaos” doubles down on their refusal to support equality

PCS Left Unity updated members following the first NEC of the electoral year, with the news that a leading BLN member had stated “you can have the equality committees”, as they moved to take control of virtually every other sub-committee of the NEC. Their small majority on the national body of the union giving them the ability to exercise that control.

This came as no surprise to many Left Unity activists, that have heard similar statements made by leading members of that faction over the years, and who have clearly witnessed and called out the recent weaponising of the equality agenda, by the BLN, for factional gain.

It should therefore come as no surprise, that the latest sectarian manouvre of the BLN/IL/Coalition for Change, has been to reject the long standing NEC protocol of appointing NEC members to the TUC delegation in September. In changing this protocol, they have rejected two leading equality advocates that were elected to the NEC by PCS members, from the TUC delegation, without any attempt to justify their actions.

PCS TUC delegates

In addition to the six delegates elected by block vote ahead of this year’s Annual Conference, PCS also sends to the Trade Union Congress, the General Secretary and National President in rule, plus six elected NEC members.

For many years the six from the NEC has included the Assistant General Secretary (AGS), the four other senior officers (Deputy and Vice Presidents), and one NEC member.

The current national president, Martin Cavanagh, proposed that his practice continued as it has for many years, and recommended, that Angela Grant attend from the NEC on grounds of equality. This recommendation was supported by the only other non-coalition VP, a Democracy Alliance candidate elected as an NEC Vice President, by the members. 

Angela Grant is not only the new DWP President, DWP being the biggest group in our union, but as a black, disabled, woman activist, she is one of the union’s leading voices on equality.  Already removed from the Organising Committee, as both removals are unjustified, it is clear the coalition want to deny her the opportunity to speak on behalf of members.

Shamefully, the proposals put forward by the BLN Vice-President – and supported by both of their partners on the Senior Officers Committee – included six names from their new coalition, with no representative from either Left Unity or the PCS Democrats.

This sectarian move, made with no rationale or justification by the three members of the newly formed coalition, has not only denied a long standing NEC member with three protected characteristics, a place on the delegation without any justification, but also denied Jackie Green, now the longest serving Vice-President of PCS, a strong LGBT+ Woman and well recognised advocate, that has provided a safe space for women and the LGBT+ community, a place at this year’s congress.

It is true that the proposals made by BLN, also excluded their only VP, but there are two points to make here; first, based on that person’s historical criticism of the TUC, this was no great shock, and second, their not wanting to attend due to their disdain for the TUC, allowed their sectarian antics to appear less sectarian.

What is truly shocking though, and we believe it will be to both members and activists within our union, is that a coalition that has a voting majority of three on the NEC, is now so hell-bent on marginalising Left Unity and our Democracy Alliance comrades, that they are prepared to dismiss two leading champions of equality from representing our union at such an important event, and at such a critical time.

Change at what cost?

The so called Coalition for Change, made up of BLN, IL, and independents, had promised to change our union as part of their electoral pact.

What they didn’t say to members though, was the form that change would take.

Remember they have only had a small majority on the NEC for 29 days, and already they have created chaos.

Not content with effectively abandoning the focused national campaign on pay, pensions and job security, by voting down the NEC motion at conference in favour of one that changes the demands of the campaign, they have also voted down the organising strategy, that was designed to help the union grow and win for members, seen 65% of A-marked motions guillotined at this year’s conference by their actions, and now set their sites on destroying any chance of this year’s NEC working collaboratively.  Don’t forget, unity is not for them!

After trying to reduce the President’s powers, and attempting remove the two-thirds rule from Standing Orders at the first NEC, they further oversaw the loss of half of the agenda items at that meeting.  This latest rejection of equality-based principles in favour of sectarianism cannot be the “change” members thought they were voting for, this chaos, lack of unity and lack of concern toward equality needs, is not what members were promised.

If you agree with PCS Left Unity, that recreating a unified programme of action to challenge the new Government and win for our members is the right action to take, if equality is important to you, then please consider joining PCS Left Unity.

We will continue to seek to build unity within our union, and ensure our members interests are the priority in the year ahead, but to do so, it is clear we need more activists and members to put pressure on the new NEC majority, to work with all those elected to leadership positions within our union, and for them to focus on our members ‘ needs, not their desire to gag NEC members, and undermine and bring down the General Secretary and National President that have been chosen by the membership, to lead our union.

To find out more or join PCS Left Unity please visit our website at https://pcsleftunity.org